Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gazelle versus tree

This is how i feel today. I just found out that sometime between two weeks ago and today, the rabies vaccine was labled as under a shortage meaning that I cant get my third shot. i was on the phone with every hospital and pharmacy (and every receptionist) in New Jersey, but nothing. (And of course, it wasnt until pharmacy six that someone told me why).

So now my options are-go to the middle of nowhere in Africa to live in a tent for two months without having the shots I need OR drive up to Massachusettes and back in one day to get the last shot from the travel clinic I went to, which would be giving it to me kind of under the table.

To quote my mom today when she almost hit five cars pulling out of the Costco parking lot, "This sucks"

1 comment:

smisch said...

Darling Emma--This IS balls. There has to be a way you can get shunted to the top of a list. Talk to any doctor friends you might have? Somebody with any swaying power. Network.
Also love that you used Gazelle versus Tree.

And i miss you!