Friday, August 15, 2008

And then we headed to Juba...

As irritating as this, Ed ended up being right on both counts. We got everyone packed away into the car with all the luggage (it wasn't comfortable, Neesha was practically on my lap, Teddy never uses a bag to hold his stuff and flails a lot and Moses and Ed somehow managed to squeeze up front in the seat I couldnt sit in with Lucy-go figure). And the Pajero broke. Granted, it made it to Juba before apparently falling apart on the road to Kampala but I felt bad for it (and Jerome) nonetheless. 
So Jerome stayed behind with the Pajero and we said goodbyes to everyone which was excrutiating. I held it together until I hugged Abby and then we both burst into tears. I was crying long after we left the town of Torit. In every bone of my body it felt wrong to be leaving. Beatrice had given me a picture of Innocent, so I looked at that to comfort myself. We got to Juba late, got to our rooms in Cafod (which is really nice as a place to stay-highly recommended to anyone going to Juba) and went to dinner at the sisters. It felt lonely without Jerome, Ed and George were sequestered at the end of the table, and Teddy and I drank two huge cartons of apple juice-which neither of us had realized was available in Sudan. 
I read part of Clive Cussler's Plague Ship (curtesey of Teddy) and took a shower which almost made me slip and break my neck, and went to sleep. Next morning I got up and started to work on my Kahn essays, while the team went out to meetings. 
Confession-I actually took a nap from 9 till noon, so oops me. And then, at lunch, the best surprise! Jerome drove to Juba and met us for lunch! After, he took me and Teddy out (ostensibly to drop me off at the hotel, but actually to fix the car-so no kahn essays in the afternoon either). Turns out the car was really broken (again) so we hung out in the car and read books entitled things like "In The Name Of Love!" outloud to each other. I met Jerome's friend who was really nice, and then we drove back to Cafod.
That night and into the next morning I finally wrote my kahn essays and got them sent out with the vague excuse of crappy internet connections and lack of generators-mostly true. 
We were suppose to go to a meeting before taking off for the airport but the meeting ultimately didnt happen so we just went straight to the airport. Emma and Jerome met us at the airport to say goodbyes. Some official wandered off with our passports for about an hour (a nerve wracking hour, let me tell you) and I sulked because I didnt want to be leaving. Typical. Jerome and Emma ran off without hugging us-apparently in Sudan "goodbyes" consist of shouting "Goodbye!" over your shoulder as you run off to your car. Neesha and I sat together on the plane, and I finally got to look out the window which was a beautiful sight let me tell you. 

1 comment:

smisch said...

i cant remember exactly how kahn works and what youre supposed to be doing--any chance you could devote a post to explaining what and how everything works?
