Seeing as I wont be able to change for like three days, I allowed myself a ridiculously long hot shower before getting dressed. So now, here I am. I have some last minute packing details (such as stowing razor blades and nail clippers in my suitcase so that I am not suspected of being some kind of toiletry terrorist) and packing tea and oatmeal into my carry on luggage. And benedryl so I can sleep. And aspirin. Anything else? Ipod, alarm clock! I forgot those. Thank goodness for this list I'm making.
The plane leaves at eight tonight (track it! here is the flight number from JFK to Heathrow-BA0116, and the flight from Heathrow to Nairobi-BA0065) so we have to get on the road to the airport at fourish so that if we run into traffic we are still ok. I asked Ed what time he wanted us to get to New York to their apartment and he said "Oh about ten in the morning", probably because we are all absurdly neurotic and chronically late, but considering that it is currently 10:36, that clearly isn't happening. In fact, mom is still in her nightgown.
So there you go. Everything is packed and ready, and when we get to Ed's we are going to weigh bags and distribute laptops and then head on out. Cross your fingers for me that nothing goes awry (such as someone losing their passport). I'll see you in Nairobi!
Hopefully i will see you in nairobi, otherwise i'll just read these soon to be famous musing everyday =) I LOVE YOU, PIC 4 EVA!!
im going to miss you far too much.
love you.
Where are you getting these photographs?? I *love* that giraffe.
Dad and I miss you (and so do the pets), but we're so excited for you, George and Neesha on this great adventure!
Lots of love,
So how much time do you think people really have on their hands to track your flights? kidding - I am almost a big enough stalker to actually do that but meh - it's all over now. have a great trip and keep writing - New Orleans is fabulous and I'll write you a real email soon.
This is so exciting!! I hope that you have an amazing adventure. : )
Guess who just WON the democratic nomination?? Our man =) YAY YAY!!
love pic
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