Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Game!

Can you spot the jackass?

Also: Fun challenge

We are (fingers crossed) hopefully getting this grant, and if we do we are getting Tee shirts! 1000 are for the community health workers who are going around pre-registering people. The other 1000 are for prizes, being sold, and of course, going in my suitcase.

Unfortunately we have no design or catchy phrase for it. SO. Your job, if you think of one while procrastinating at your computer and playing hearts when you are suppose to be working, is to post it here, so that it may be immortilized on a bunch of tee shirts which will ultimately be bartered in some 3rd world markets in East and Central Africa. You just cant buy that kind of fame.



Unknown said...

Ok - this is definitely writing that proves the 'puke principal'...

"Well Hee Haw! ... Haw, haw haw, haw, etc. etc."

smisch said...

i see two jackasses. hmmm.
yeah i could try to steal one of the beanbags except they are literally the size of a smartcar. if not bigger. they are like...the floor of your room this year in diameter, and as tall as megs bed. they are beanbags on major steroids. only comfy and not muscle-y

what kind of slogan are you looking for?

Unknown said...

Graphic: cartoony picture of someone sleeping covered by a net - moon in sky - angry misquitos bouncing off the net.

Slogan: Get a good net's sleep!

Unknown said...

Graphic: a smiling Sudanese mother holding her baby and covered by a net. Usual repelled, angry misquitos.

Slogan: The Torit Anti-Malaria Project -- We've got you covered!

Unknown said...

Graphic: Sudanese man sleeping under a net - he may have a white mustache. Angry misquitos, moon, etc.

Slogan: Got Net?
The Torit Anti-Malaria Project

Unknown said...

Graphic: In the background, sleeping Sudanese person covered by net. In the foreground, 2 angry misquitoes talk to one another.

Misquito: I hate those nets!

Subline: The Torit Anti-Malaria Project

Unknown said...

Graphic: Covered person - angry misquitoes

Slogan: When it comes to malaria, nets make all the difference.

Unknown said...

Slogan: I got your net right here!
The Torit Anti-Malaria Campaign

Unknown said...

Oh, and for the record - I thought this was a snap shot from a Nativity celebration.

Hey! It could happen.


aleventhal said...

I need more information to make a sweet t-shirt.

I'm all over this!

Anonymous said...

What is the official name of the organization? I would love to play too. PS, love the spelling misquitos. Oh and barb has a picture she drew when she was 3 of a pretty mosquito wearing bloomers, perhaps that would do?

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Emmalina I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo superbly, fantastically and unoquivivcally (i know i spelt that wrong=) PROUD of you guys.
I would love to be a part of this game but as you well know...I am not funny ('',) as wel pointed out by my america/macdonalds joke (or lack thereof), nor do I have gift for artistic crewatvity and most importantly and most importantly i CHARGE FOR ALL MY IDEAS and I don't think you CAN AFFORD ME!!! =)
love you PIC.