Well that's not entirely true. I bought a bottle of insect repellent that is 98.9% DEET. And other things obviously. I avoided the bright teal and pink fanny pack, considering it not exactly subtle enough for my needs ('my needs' being a money belt). I figure walking around with a huge horrendous neon fanny pack is kind of screaming to the world "HELLO! Are you looking for money? I have some! In this bag! Would you like to ever so effortlessly rob me? Go ahead! The money that I have in this bag is clearly in this bag!"
Long story short I didn't buy it. And then it rained, which is completely beside the point, but I thought I would add it as a piece of potentially interesting information.
Instead of being productive I went to my cousin Elizabeth's graduation party, ate a great many horderves (which I am sorry to say I spelled so abysmally that spell check cant figure out how to correct it) and drank copious amounts of beer and spiked punch while watching George (my cousin coming with me) and Busi (my old roommate) attack each other.
Just to mention this for posterity (and so that he cant claim it never happened) George and I have declared a truce for the summer, wherein we don't mercilessly tease and assault each other. I think it should work out pretty well, especially if he chooses to spend his time until we leave teasing Busi.
So. I'm no closer to being packed than I was on...what was it...Friday? Or for that matter....Monday. In fact, it could be stated that I am decidedly no where near being packed. Thinking about packing is about as far as I have gone. Which isn't comforting at all, especially since my Aunt Anne Marie told me that if I could fit it in, I should pack a portable shower. I don't really see how I will be able to fit that into a suitcase already crammed full of potentially ridiculous clothing, things indicating that I am leaving civilization (Charmin on the Run anyone?), books about infectious diseases and lots and lots of sunblock. But we will see. I might surprise everyone by being the most under packed person on the trip. I've never been that person. It would be a novel experience.
And on that note, rather than research, pack, or "triage" as my parents say, I'm going to see if Law and Order is on.
enjoy law and order.
the word verification for this comment is peezy, and may be my new favorite word.
for some reason when you wrote that george and busi were attacking each other, i had this image of busi leaping onto him and knocking over a bowl of punch in her attempts to make out with him.
fortunately you fixed this image with your following paragraph. i was mildly disturbed. BIG LOVE!
Hi- I'm Sarah's Dad. You're heading for a fascinating but very scarey place. Hope you have a wonderful experience....and that you'll be safe. Bon voyage!
dad you spelled scary wrong.
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