Sunday, July 27, 2008


I've been writing these piece by piece as we went along so they arent particularly coherent. Also there is a lot more to come, but I figured five entries was a good starting out point.
As for a recent update: Teddy and Ed are here, our car is completely broken, as is our internet and i'm on a desperate hunt for a tailor. And there is a baby I want to adopt named Innocent, except he already has a great mom named Beatrice. More later.


Unknown said...

What an adventure! It's a good thing that you have a young liver-- and speaking of liver, I can't believe that you've gotten so adventurous in your eating! Did you actually eat fish? Glad you're back on line-- we've all been missing your posts.

Unknown said...

Glad to read your blog after so long. I spent whole Sunday morning reading Neesha’s and your post. You went through the hell with that Pajero. You guys are so lucky that it finally failed almost at the doorstep. It was Good that you all listen to Ed’s advise. You saved money, headache and heartache and you are all safe back in Torit. Now time will fly, since Ed is back. Enjoy and have fun.

smisch said...

Dood as much as I think you would be a great momma, any child named innocent in the US would get beat up like 10 times a day on nearly any US playground. Sad but you know its true. Its like naming a child Cadmium or Apple (shout outtt Gwynneth Paltrow haha).

On the other hand, if Madonna can adopt african kids who already have families, so can you!

We're american, we do what we want!